Mixed cultivation of maize with sorghum is about increasing the reliability of cultivation in dry, low-precipitation regions. Maize serves as a total dry matter, starch and energy supplier, while sorghum ensures yield security with its pronounced drought tolerance. The DSV sorghum variety BOVITAL is an ideal mixing partner and can be adapted very well to the thousand grain weight of maize by pelleting. Look out for the original green sorghum pellet from DSV.

Advantages of the corn/sorghum mixture

  • Improved crop safety in dry regions
  • Improved protein concentration
  • Extension of the harvest period
Mixing ratio 8:4
80.000 Maize plants
40.000 Sorghum plants
Sorghum variety BOVITAL
Maize variety JAKLEEN
Seeding rate 2 units/ha

What needs to be considered when growing?

  • Sorghum is related to maize and therefore has similar requirements to maize
  • Soil temperature should be permanently above 12° C (sorghum is sensitive to frost)
  • Sowing depth when sowing in a row at a maximum of 3-4 cm
  • Seedbed finely crumbled and well reconsolidated
  • Requires less water than maize and therefore offers increased yield security
  • Herbicide measures possible in post-emergence compared to other mixtures

Crop protection

  • Sorghum is very resistant to diseases and pests
  • Mechanical plant protection by means of harrowing in pre-emergence and hoeing possible with appropriate technology
  • For more information, please ask your advisor or official bodies in the respective countries.


  • Recommendation analogous to maize, after determining fertiliser requirements
  • 150 N kg/ha should not be exceeded due to sorghum's increased tendency to lodging (in Germany)
  • Standard underfoot fertiliser with P promotes youth development
  • Potassium is particularly advantageous for long and increased N-supply capacity


  • The maize-sorghum mixture is harvested with the usual dry matter content of the mixture and is harvested using standard chopping technology
  • The range and the mixing partners are country-specific and not available everywhere. Please contact your local partner to inquire about the mixes available in your country. 


ORIGINAL green DSV sorghum pellet

The ORIGINAL green DSV sorghum pellet increases the volume and the thousand grain weight to the level of the maize. This enables homogeneous mixing of both components and thus simultaneous sowing from one seed hopper. Expensive additional technology is therefore superfluous and precise sowing can be guaranteed.

The variety information, recommendations and descriptions given here are made to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without any guarantee of completeness or accuracy. We cannot guarantee that the characteristics described are repeatable. All information is intended as a decision-making aid. Mixture compositions may change if individual varieties are not available.

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