What are the tipping points in oilseed rape growth?

Companion crops in oilseed rape - which herbicides are compatible?

Selecting oilseed rape varieties in times of climate change

Identifying appropriate methods for high oilseed rape yields

Full speed ahead for disease resistance breeding

Is companion planting an option for oilseed rape?

Hardware replaces chemicals in oilseed rape

How herbicide residues affect the performance of oilseed rape

The new generation Wurzel-Plus in oilseed rape


Companion planting in oilseed rape


Good roots - the very bedrock of high yields


How the root microbiome affects yields in oilseed rape


Help from beneficial insects


Companion crops in oilseed rape


Ups and downs on the oilseed rape market


No need to fear the virus


Sell or stick?


Field hygiene after oilseed rape


Poor oilseed rape yields - What are the causes?


Growing Oilseed Rape in 2025


Abiotic Stress - More Dangerous than Fungi and Beetles in Oilseed Rape


From Surplus to Shortage


Dropleg Nozzles


Undersowing Oilseed Rape with Grass


Smaller harvests raise hope for higher oilseed rape prices


Oilseed Rape - Ideal Utiliser of Organic Fertilizer


Scan Rape in Autumn - Cleverly Fertilise in Spring


Oilseed rape management - what's new?


Clubroot resistence increasingly important


Use of Herbicide on Oilseed rape companion crops
