As a specialist for the entire fodder cultivation, we offer you a wide range of maize varieties for all areas of use. We pay particular attention to the flexibility of use, yield, digestibility and health of the varieties.
Early double-purpose variety
ca. S 210 | ca. K 210
Medium late dent corn for grain and silage
ca. S 260 | K 260
The early one who also provides starch
ca. S 120 | ca. K 130
Double-purpose maize with quick juvenile development
ca. S 220 | ca. K 230
The profitable grain maize
ca. K 270
We like to grain you
ca. S 250 | K 230
Early Double purpose maize
S 210 | K 220
Remain flexible in your crop rotation
ca. S 110 | ca. K 130
The early dent silage maize
ca. S 180
The maize with superbly balanced silage quality
ca. S 210 | ca. K 210
Late dual purpose hybrid
ca. S 300 | ca. K 300
Two grain rows ahead
S 250 | K 250
Yield, more yield, HONOREEN
S 290
ca. K 280
Quick - quicker -JOY!
ca. S 150 | ca. K 160
Everybody Likes IT
ca. S 180 | ca. K 180
ca. S 190 | ca. K 190
S 220 | ca. K 210
S 230 | ca. K 230
Dent genetics for yield stability
ca. K 290
ca. K 270
High-yielding silage and biogas maize
S 280
Great yield and look!
ca. S 230
All in one - for silage and grain
ca. S 270 | ca. K 260
Wake up for your yield
S 260 | K 230