Date: 08.02.2023 | 197 words, 1028 characters

A world yield record has been achieved in England with a wheat variety bred by Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (DSV).
Farmer Tim Lamyman from Lincolnshire, a county in the East Midlands of England, harvested 17.95 tons of wheat per hectare from an 8.3-ha area on his farm. This put him in the Guinness Book of Records and he is now the new world record holder. The yield was achieved with the new DSV winter wheat variety CHAMPION.
CHAMPION originates from DSV's British breeding program and is currently one of the highest-yielding varieties in its segment on the AHDB's (Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board) Official Recommended List 2023/24. As a modern variety type, CHAMPION combines very high yield with good adaptation to different conditions and has a broad resistance package. In particular, resistance to septoria and yellow rust is first-class.
CHAMPION is currently developing around the North Sea. Beneath the farmers in the UK also farmers in Denmark, the Netherlands and north of Germany are happy to receive a new high performing winter wheat.