Perennial ryegrass – the wheat of the grassland

Why is potassium important for grassland?

Breeders trust' monitors the seed market

ALFALFA – The Queen of the food plants

Spike and panicle emergence determines the forage quality

Looking behind a grass breeder's scenes

Biodiversity in grassland

Legumes in grassland

Mob grazing - A grazing strategy for dry land

Stepping up - Sustainable farming efforts

High-quality forage reduces costs

Clover grass for arable farmers

How tolerant are swards to drought?

Controlling the architecture of grass stands

Causes of protein degradation


Grassland consultation - The real key to success


Grassland - What do grass growth and milk production curves have in common?


Key charactersitics of valuable forage grasses and undesired weed grasses


Don't underestimate heat stress in dairy cows


In search of the perfect grass?

 From the perspective of an animal nutrition specialist.

How forage quality impacts silage fermentation


Banking on biodiversity

The potential of meadow herbs in permanent grassland and leys.

Closing the feed gap

 Smart approaches to feed production.


The answer to forage production under climate change.

Overseed with red clover for long-term-success


Focus on feed intake

Ensuring that feed rations are suitable for ruminants is critical.

Clover rot and southern anthracnose

 Risk to forage legumes.

DynaSeed - Innovative seed technology


Qualitative growth

 Sustainability and productivity in grassland management.

Getting fertiliser application right on grassland


Turning old into new

Reseeding to improve grassland yields and quality.

Ryegrass a grass weed? How to avoid and regulate
