
The ultra-early variety AMBIENT is our earliest maize in Germany and probably also one of the earliest maize varieties worldwide. Due to its earliness and the fast development of the young plant. It is suitable for both early and late sowing and thus offers great flexibility in crop rotation. However, the latest sowing date should not exceed 1 July.

  • Quick juvenile development
  • Very early flowering after eight weeks
  • Good stem stability


Usage Silage Grain Energy
Silo maturity ultra early
Grain maturity ultra early
Maturity forage ca. 120
Maturity grain ca. 130
Type of grain flint
Hybrid Three-way cross
Sowing date
early 0 late

Breeder classification: +++ = very good / very high | ++ = good / high | + = medium

Usage nutzung-silo-en nutzung-korn-en nutzung-gas-en
Silo maturity ultra early
Grain maturity ultra early
Maturity forage ca. 120
Maturity grain ca. 130
Type of grain flint
Hybrid Three-way cross
Sowing date
early 0 late

Breeder classification: +++ = very good / very high | ++ = good / high | + = medium

Resistance to diseases

Maize smut
+ + +
Maize smut
+ + +


Limited areas
Soil type
heavy 0 light
wet 0 dry
Limited areas
Soil type
heavy 0 light
wet 0 dry


Forage 10 - 12 Plants/m²
Grain 9 Plants/m²
Forage 10 - 12 Plants/m²
Grain 9 Plants/m²


All information, recommendations and representations contained herein are made to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee of completeness or accuracy. We cannot guarantee that the properties described are repeatable. All information is provided as an aid to decision-making. Deutsche Saatveredelung AG will not be held liable for any damage or claims for damages resulting from the use of the variety specified in this description. Mixtures may vary if individual varieties are not available. Status 12/2024. Subject to change without prior notice.