
Thanks to its intelligent composition, the TerraLife® ForageRooter (Landsberg mixture) actively promotes soil life. The proportion of water-resistant soil crumbs is increased, which improves water infiltration and significantly stabilises the soil structure. Its growth is suitable both as green fallow and for high-quality feeding. As an undersown crop, it tolerates shading under maize very well and is able to develop a closed stand after the maize harvest. 

Versatile forms of utilisation:

- Catch crop
- Main crop
- Undersown 

The Landsberg mixture was developed by the DSV founders 100 years ago and is still in its original composition today.

  • High protein feed
  • Good winter hardiness
  • Excellent improvement of the crumb structure


37.6% Legumes
0% Cruciferous
Italian ryegrass, Crimson clover, Hairy vetch
37.6% Legumes
0% Cruciferous
Italian ryegrass, Crimson clover, Hairy vetch

Sowing pattern

blank seed, mulch sowing, direct sowing, spreader device on tillage implement, drone
blank seed, mulch sowing, direct sowing, spreader device on tillage implement, drone

Crop rotations

Oilseed rape, Potatoes, Sugar beet, Cereals, Maize
Oilseed rape, Potatoes, Sugar beet, Cereals, Maize

Cultivation notes

Sowing rate 50 kg/ha
Sowing time from end of August to middle of September In bare seed, from mid-May in undersown crops (e. g. winter wheat, maize from 8-leaf stage)
Usage Cover crop, summer intercrop, winter intercrop, green fertilization, Cutting, Extensive grazing, Undersowing mix, undersowing mix for corn, late sowing, very late sowing, N-Potential: approx. 80 kg/ha, leguminous, winter resistant
Sowing rate 50 kg/ha
Sowing time from end of August to middle of September In bare seed, from mid-May in undersown crops (e. g. winter wheat, maize from 8-leaf stage)
Usage Cover crop, summer intercrop, winter intercrop, green fertilization, Cutting, Extensive grazing, Undersowing mix, undersowing mix for corn, late sowing, very late sowing, N-Potential: approx. 80 kg/ha, leguminous, winter resistant

All information, recommendations and representations contained herein are made to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee of completeness or accuracy. We cannot guarantee that the properties described are repeatable. All information is provided as an aid to decision-making. Deutsche Saatveredelung AG will not be held liable for any damage or claims for damages resulting from the use of the variety specified in this description. Mixtures may vary if individual varieties are not available. Status 12/2024. Subject to change without prior notice.