Forage value number 7

Cocksfoot is a winterhardy, mass-growing top-grass that goes into the generative phase relatively quickly. It is resistant to drought but sensitive to late frosts. Apart from very wet sites, it can be found in both pastures and meadows up to high altitudes.



  • Stem shoots extremely flat
  • Auricles absent
  • White and long ligule
  • Leaves not shiny

Our varieties


Dactylis glomerata

  • late variety
  • good yield performance
  • winterhardy and persistent


Dactylis glomerata

  • medium late variety with great forage quality
  • high yield, esp. in the first cut
  • great sward density and winter hardiness


Dactylis glomerata

  • fine-leaved variety
  • great sward density with excellent regrowth properties
  • perfectly balanced yields


Dactylis glomerata

  • high yielding
  • good early growth development
  • high regrowth capacity


Dactylis glomerata

  • high yield performance with strong regrowth abilities
  • outstanding rust resistance
  • soft-leaved french type variety


Dactylis glomerata

  • best yielding variety in Germany
  • high winter hardiness
  • good disease resistances