BONFIRE is a forage rye variety grown as a winter cover crop for forage or biogas production. With very rapid autumn and spring growth, BONFIRE provides an earlier sowing window for the follow-up crop than other varieties. As the plant grows, nutrients are absorbed and stored in the biomass. Consequently the risk of nitrogen leaching during the winter months is low. BONFIRE is very good at converting winter moisture into growth. The early ear emergence of this variety also enables early harvesting. This creates good conditions for the following main crop, e.g. maize. BONFIRE achieves top yields in a rye-maize crop rotation.
- Winter cover crop to use for forage or biogas production
- With very rapid autumn and spring growth, BONFIRE provides an early sowing window for the follow-up main crop
- Lowers the risk of nitrogen leaching during winter to a minimum
- High gas yields in biogas plants
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