- Leaves: leafy, unlike to red clover glabrous on both sides, no leaf marks
- Stem: branched, tends to lodging
- Height: up to 70 cm
- Flowers: spherical, white-pink heads
- Seeds: small, yellow green
- Root: Taproot with lateral roots, soil loosening
Environmental needs
- Suitable in mountainous regions (rough climate)
- Tolerant to moisture
- Dry conditions are unsuitable
- Sensitive to trampling
- Winter-hardy
- Additional plant in annual to perennial mixtures
- Forage/Catch crop
- Hay feeding; no green fodder because of bitterness
Green manure
- In mixtures with white and yellow clover
- Better suited for cover crop purposes than red clover as it is self-compatible and less susceptible to clover rot
- Effective previous crop
- Good bee forage