
JOKER - consistently for sports uses - belongs to the newer premium varieties of the DSV! This strain achieves highest performance and endurance with regular exercise. The peak value in leaf fineness especially under wear is to be emphasized. JOKER is therefore suitable for professional use in sports, but is also recommended for all premium service turf mixtures thanks to a result within the TOP 10.
JOKER - the top athlete for the professional!

  • Very wear tolerant and very winter hardy
  • Very good recovery after wear and very persistent
  • High shoot density and relatively fine leaves
  • Good disease resistance. Especially Fusarium but also Rust
  • Natural medium to dark green colour

STRI L2 - Lawns, Landscaping

Mean 7.2
Slow regrowth 6.7
Visual merit 7.3
Shoot density 7.5
Fineness of leaf 7.5
Disease resistance 6.7
Winter greenness 6.1
Summer greenness 5.6

Source: Turfgrass Seed 2022, British Society of Plant Breeders

Mean 7.2
Slow regrowth 6.7
Visual merit 7.3
Shoot density 7.5
Fineness of leaf 7.5
Disease resistance 6.7
Winter greenness 6.1
Summer greenness 5.6

Source: Turfgrass Seed 2022, British Society of Plant Breeders

STRI S2 - Sport uses

Mean 7.2
Recovery 7.2
Visual merit 7.3
Shoot density 7.4
Fineness of leaf 7.7
Disease resistance 6
Winter greenness 6
Summer greenness 6.1

Source: Turfgrass Seed 2022, British Society of Plant Breeders

Mean 7.2
Recovery 7.2
Visual merit 7.3
Shoot density 7.4
Fineness of leaf 7.7
Disease resistance 6
Winter greenness 6
Summer greenness 6.1

Source: Turfgrass Seed 2022, British Society of Plant Breeders

All specified informations, recommendations and representations mentioned here are made to the best of our knowledge and belief, but without guarantee of completeness or accuracy. We cannot guarantee that the properties described are repeatable. All information is provided as an aid to decision-making. Deutsche Saatveredelung AG excludes adhesion for damage or claims for damages, resulting of the use for the variety specified in this description. Mixture compositions may change if individual varieties are not available. As of 01/2021. Subject to change without notice.