Date: 02.10.2020
New winter barley and wheat varieties resulting from breeding programmes conducted by the International plant breeding and seed company Deutsche Saatveredelung AG (DSV), are now gaining in popularity across Europe, the company has announced.
Winter barley breeding is showing particularly good results with the 6 row varieties ESPRIT and VIOLA occupying leading positions in the official German national variety trials and the areas for multiplication increasing accordingly, DSV report.
ESPRIT also achieved excellent results in the neighbouring countries of Poland, Switzerland and Belgium.
With viral diseases in barley increasingly causing yield reductions throughout Europe, DSV has also attracted a great deal of attention among farmers with the two multi-resistant barley varieties SENSATION and PARADIES.
Next year, a new candidate is in the starting blocks – proposed name “JULIA” - which is resistant to barley yellow mosaic virus type 1 & 2. The variety already leads the way in Poland, Germany and Austria and is expected to be registered in France this winter.
DSV say results with winter wheat have varied across Europe due to challenging growing  conditions. The leader in the maritime countries is the feed wheat candidate with the expected name “CHAMPION”, which has emerged from the DSV UK breeding programme. The candidate produced very high performance results and is now up for registration in UK and Denmark.
In the quality segment of winter wheat, DSV has achieved a good position internationally in recent years. For example, the medium-early winter wheat EMBLEM (A) has performed well in Hungary and is now up for registration.
In Scandinavia, the very healthy and frost-resistant variety ASKABAN (E/A) showed a strong performance. A new winter wheat candidate of A quality – proposed name “POLARKAP” - will also be available to the European market in the future.
The perfect combination of quality, frost resistance and early ripening for the South-East of Europe is demonstrated by ASPEKT (A), which is now also awaiting approval in the Czech Republic.
For Southern and Central France, DSV has two new interesting candidates that could be launched on the market in late autumn 2021.
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