That it is undemanding, its distribution is limited. Found in coastal or mountainous areas only occasionally or not at all, but abundant on continental plains such as the Hungarian steppes and the USA. Sometimes it is also found on banks and roadsides in grass mixes prepared with imported seed. Smooth brome grass provides tough fodder that cattle tend to avoid, but it is suitable for horse hay. It has the same feed value as soft brome grass (5). Since it is only of value at regional level, the seed is seldom traded or used.

Seed heads

Leaf base with ligule but no auricles

Botanical features
LeafEmerging leaf rolled, leaf blade open with slight ridge. Leaves glabrous, underside dull and coarse. Ligule short, auricles absent. Leaf sheath glabrous and greenish grey; tightly sealed beneath the base of the blade, edges closed.
CulmCulm up to approx. 100 cm tall. Many culms produce no inflorescence.
InflorescenceThe raceme, or false panicle, may be single or double. Several long, drooping branches. More than 2 side branches on the lower nodes. Spikelets are awnless with several florets.
FruitThe grain is a dirty grey colour. The grains are firmly seated in the panicle. The dark brown to purplish caryopsis is visible through the husks. Pedicel long and cylindrical, widening slightly towards the top. Lemma has well-defined midrib. TSW 3–4 g.