Cocksfoot is a perennial tussock-forming top grass which shoots early in the spring. Dense tussocks suppress other species. Due to early and rapid germination, it often becomes over-mature and so cattle avoid it. Flowers late May to June. Most commonly occurs on nutrient-rich mineral or peaty soils in fertile, moderately damp conditions. It is found on lowland, upland and mountainous grassland. Habitually occurs in semi-shaded areas of orchards, copses and lightly shaded woods. Tolerates drought and cold, but not wet. This high-yielding grass is suitable for grazing and haymaking (feed value 7). Can be combined with clover and alfalfa for leys on dry sites. Cutting at the time of panicle formation encourages rapid regrowth. Use only late varieties in permanent pasture mixes as the early varieties quickly become unpalatable. Late use encourages tussock formation and the suppression of other species.

Seed heads

Flattened stems

Botanical features
Leaf Leaf folded in the bud, leaf sheath open, glabrous or lightly haired. Leaf blade 4–10 mm wide ending in finely pointed tip, unribbed, pronounced keel, upper side with pronounced central groove, underside not glossy, leaf colour dull grey-green to bluish. Ligule long and white, slightly slit with projecting tip. Auricles absent. Leaf shoot flattened.
CulmUpright, slightly geniculate at base, unbranched, length 80–100 cm or more. Reduced regrowth after cutting.
Inflorescence Upright, secund inflorescence approx. 15 cm long. Only one side branch at each node of the main axis, relatively stiff and wide, spread during flowering. Numerous tightly grouped spikelets. Spikelets long and ovate. 3–5 florets per spikelet. Glumes short with awl-shaped tips, lemma awn-tipped with bristly keel.
Fruit Long, slightly curved, triangular grain. 4–7 mm long. Lemma boat-shaped with short terminal awn. Bristly keel. Palea lies in broad furrow, grain yellowish to bright green. Pedicel short, slightly broader at the top. Caryopsis 2–3 mm long, 0.8 mm wide with boat-shaped rounded edges. TSW 0.8-1.3 g.